FAQs: System Setting | HDMI Codec

FAQs: System Settings

How can I replace the image of video loss?

To replace the image of video loss and customize the display in the system setting, follow these steps:
  1. Navigate to Setting: Access the system settings by locating the "Settings" option in the menu of the encoder.
  2. Access System Settings: Within the settings menu, look for the "System Settings" option. Click on it to access the settings related to the system configurations and display options.
  3. Select "Browse": Look for an option labeled "Browse" within the system settings related to video display or error messages.
  4. Choose Replacement Image: Click on the "Browse" button and select an image from your computer to replace the default image that indicates video loss. This image should be clear and easily understandable to convey the message effectively. And it should be in JPG<128K & 1280*720.
  5. Upload Image: Click on the "Upload" button and it'll reboot automatically to apply the changes. 
  6. Verify the Change: Check the updated display to ensure that the replacement image for video loss is now being used after rebooting.
By following these steps, you can customize the image that is displayed when the system encounters video loss, ensuring that the message is clearly conveyed and easily understood by users. If you have access to a specific screenshot or image that you believe would better represent video loss, this option allows you to personalize the display to improve user experience.

Is there any requirement for Replacement Image of Video Loss?

To ensure that the replacement image for video loss meets the specified criteria of being in JPG format, under 128KB in size, and with dimensions of 1280 x 720 pixels, you'll need to follow these additional guidelines when selecting the replacement image:
  1. Image Format: Convert the replacement image to JPG format if it's not already in that format. If needed, use an image editing software or an online image converter to change the format to JPG.
  2. File Size: Check the file size of the replacement image. If it exceeds 128KB, use image compression tools or software to reduce the file size while maintaining reasonable image quality. This will ensure it meets the required limit.
  3. Image Dimensions: Ensure that the dimensions of the replacement image are exactly 1280 x 720 pixels. If the image is larger or smaller than these dimensions, use image editing software to resize it to the specified dimensions.
After confirming that the replacement image complies with the requirements of being in JPG format, under 128KB in size, and with the dimensions of 1280 x 720 pixels, follow the previously mentioned steps to select and apply the image in the system settings. These guidelines will help ensure that the replacement image for video loss is compatible with the system's specifications and provides a clear and effective representation of the video loss message.

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