- Go to Configuration->Video & Audio->OSD
The menu allows the user to select which overlay to modify. Device information, Date Time, and Customized Text and picture can all be modified.
- Device information, the checkbox enables / disables the feature. The Input Channel Title field allows the channel title to be modified.
- Date Time, the checkbox enables / disables the feature. Clicking the Display Weekdays checkbox will show the weekday at the end of the time-stamp.
- Customized Text, the checkbox enables / disables the feature. The Input Text box allows the user to enter text as needed.
- Picture, the user can use the browse button to select a picture to display. The size of the picture cannot be bigger than 250*150 pixel size and has to be in JPG format.
- Restore Default: Restore the values to default setting.
- Refresh: Refresh the display of the settings’ value.
- Save: Save the settings.