How to Configure NFS for IP Camera Storage | Network Camera

NFS of IP Camera


  1. Go to Configuration->Storage->NFS
This tab is where the user can change NFS settings. Below is a screenshot of the NFS tab:


  1. Enable: This dropdown box allows the user to enable/disable record functionality. 
  2. Server address: This field allows the user to designate the NAS server’s IP address. 
  3. Remote path: This field allows the user to input the storage path which should be created in the NAS device. 
  4. Status: It’s the NAS device connection and work status.


  1. Using a virtual machine to set up an NFS server on the computer and create a shared folder:
  2. Click on "Settings", then "Storage Devices", and then "NFS".
  3. Enter the correct address for the running NFS server:
  4. Enter the remote directory for the NFS server's shared folder: nfs.
  5. Click "Save" and observe the NFS status.
The settings should be saved successfully and the NFS status should change to "Mounted".

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