How to Configure RTSP on IP Cameras for Live Streaming and Multi-casting | Network Camera

RTSP of IP Camera


  1. Go to Configuration->Network->RTSP
This tab allows the user to modify the settings for RTSP including RTSP authentication, and RTSP multicasting. Muti-cast is a feature that enables the camera to broadcast its live view to multiple computers on the same network. Below is a screenshot of the RTSP screen:


  1. RTSP authentication Enable: This dropdown box allows the user to enable RTSP authentication. 
  2. Enable multicast: This dropdown box allows the user to enable RTSP multicast functionality. 
  3. Multicast Address: This field allows the user to enter a multicast address. 
  4. Port: This field allows the user to enter a multicast port. 
  5. TTL: This field allows the user to enter a multicast TTL value. 
  6. Restore Default: Restore the values to default setting. 
  7. Refresh: Refresh the display of the settings’ value. 
  8. Save: Save the settings.
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